
which he says has and shaped my life so positively

which he says has and shaped my life so positively

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Russian tennis player Maria Sharapova snagged the silver medal at the Olympics in London over the weekend, and she stepped out in style to celebrate. Joined by her friend Chelsea Handler, Maria headed to London's Zuma restaurant, where she showed us how to slip into this season's tropical-print trend. The tennis star opted for a Lisa Ho hibiscus-print blazer, which she expertly styled with solid separates.

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Nobody does it better. Talk about worlds colliding: bride: Arkansas girl and Marian Catholic. groom: nice Jewish boy from Pennsylvania. One day, I waiting for a friend to do some shopping, but she was late. So I slap into a big market to spend the time of waiting for her. When I saw a pair of golden shoes, I can not help to having a try.

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